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Bhavna Mittal
Destination Manager, GetYourGuide
Member for 4 Years
Joined March 2020
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About me

Former dentist who moonlit as a content writer and voice over artist before finding my footing in travel e-commerce.

Market Entry Strategy. Market turnaround. Business Development. Integrative Negotiation. Learning & Development. Inclusion over diversity. These are a few of my favourite things to do, discuss and champion at the workplace.

Outside of work, I volunteer with an Education Non Profit, find solace in the spoken/ written word and I hope to publish my poetry someday.

Why did you join the community?

To collaborate with other members of the travel industry, to learn from them and to exchange ideas and best practices

What is your favorite travel destination?

South East Asia

What was your first travel job?

First job in the travel industry was as a Product Manager with a company called Tourico Holidays (now part of HotelBeds) in Florida, US
