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Andrea Fellman
Founder and Editor, Twist Travel Magazine
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Member for 7 Years
Joined October 2017
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About me

Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Twist Travel Magazine.

Andrea Fellman was the original founder and owner of until March 2016 when she sold it. She created Savvy Sassy Moms from a laptop in her laundry room back in 2008 and she quickly grew it from a blog to brand and a thriving business.

Through her work online over the last 8+ years she has become an online entrepreneur, social influencer, digital marketer and dynamic content creator. While running Savvy Sassy Moms she worked on many online marketing campaigns, was a brand ambassador, and partnered with brands big and small. Andrea has creatively developed, and implemented many successful online marketing campaigns and has advised brands on social media marketing and working with bloggers and online influencers.

Andrea and her family lived in Costa Rica for three years and just recently moved to Barcelona, Spain. She blogs about her international lifestyle, being an expat and entrepreneur at Wanderlust Living. Her latest ambitious adventure is Twist Travel Magazine, which she co-founded with Keryn Means.

Andrea strives for excellence, is innovative, creative and extremely efficient. Her passion lies in β€œall the possibilities!”

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I would like to connect and network with others in the travel industry and in my city!

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Publishing products

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Adventure, People and Food
