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Co Founder, Traveleva
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Joined 5 months ago
Member since February 2024
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Hey, We are trying to simplify travel planning by giving a personalised travel experience & we have launched our app Traveleva recently & would love to share & get early feedback.


  • Thanks Kendrick, I saw your product, would like to understand it more & then discuss on the collaboration opportunity.

    Profile picture

    Traveleva 5 months ago

  • Hi Ian, appreciate the opportunity to showcase Traveleva. Coming back to your questions, I and Rahul ( co-founder ) have been traveling together for about 9-10 years. We faced a lot of challenges when planning trips, so last year, after talking to frequ... show more

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    Traveleva 5 months ago

  • Hello TM community! 👋 We are thrilled to introduce Traveleva, a revolutionary travel tool designed to make your trip planning simpler and more enjoyable. Think of it as your travel assistant, streamlining your travel experiences and enhancing your adven... show more

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    Traveleva 5 months ago
