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Wendy Pochop
Joined 8 months ago
Member since January 2024
Verified member
Baltimore, MD
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About me

My suitcase is perpetually half-packed and my heart beats a steady rhythm of "explore, explore, explore." Whether it's swimming in the Mediterranean or weekend roadtripping in the mid-Atlantic, I'm happiest when I'm collecting experiences.

Travel, for me, isn't just about ticking off destinations – it's about connecting with the world. Every new face, every shared meal, every story is a chance to grow, to learn, to become a more open-minded version of myself. I'm a culinary adventurer at heart. I believe that food is a language, a gateway into cultures, and hearing the stories behind it is just as important as the taste itself.

And guess what? I recently turned my travel obsession into a professional passion! I'm a newly certified travel planner, ready to combine my new skills with my background in startups and Customer Success. I'm excited to craft amazing experiences for travelers.

Let's chat! I'm eager to connect, collaborate, and contribute to a community where travel isn't just a vacation, it's a way of life. ✨

Why did you join the community?

I'm looking for a community that shares my passion for travel and is excited to share their first-hand travel experiences & new perspectives. I'd love to make a friend in every place I visit! I'm also plotting my professional journey in this industry. TM feels like a vibrant community with passionate peers shaping the future of travel / hospitality. I'm looking forward to building connections, sharing my skills, and discovering an opportunity to turn my travel dreams into a fulfilling career.