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Gina Stark
Retail business owner and avid traveler / blogger, and
Member for 9 Years
Joined April 2015
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About me

There's a lot of noise out there. I'm part of it. Travel, hiking, food, cars, fashion biz owner at @MadisonStores SD, #hashtagabuse #BA75 Brand Badassador

What is your favorite travel destination?

So many, but I particularly love Spain (all of Europe, actually) and New Zealand

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Places I've not yet been to and back to favorite locales

What was your first travel job?

Writing and tweeting for a Spain Holiday site / blog. First hosted trip was hiking the Italian Dolomites for a week.

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

Enrich, enliven, engage
