Daniel and Melissa Garcia are a powerhouse couple who love to travel. They believe in living life to the fullest. Melissa has been blogging since 2008 but is now blogging professionally as a full time job and it is her family's only income. Melissa writes about food, travel, natural and organic living, farmhouse living, fashion, beauty and more. She also offers money saving advice as well as DIY and frugal tips.
Daniel writes about travel, men's fashion, men's lifestyle, technology, sports, entertainment and more. Daniel also has Ankylosing Spondylitis and enjoys talking about health care related topics.
They have been featured on the Today Show, ABCNews.com, Oprah Radio, Wall Street Journal, Ladies Home Journal as well as many other publications, TV and radio. Melissa has interviewed celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Gywneth Paltrow, Fergie and more as well as attended many red carpet events.
Wanting to connect with other travel writers and industry professionals.
Anywhere outdoors where nature can be found or the beach.
Hawaii , Ireland, Yellowstone, Alaska, love discovering new places!
Worked with Carnival, Viking, Disney, US Tourism, Basel, and more.
Life's Too Short