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Kyle Campbell
Owner, Travel Guide, and Photographer, Sudden Journeys
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Joined 8 months ago
Member since March 2024
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Why did you join the community?

Connecting with other nomadic souls and network with those in the travel industry

What is your favorite travel destination?

This is always such a difficult question for me as I've been extensively traveling for 25 years. It isn't so much that I have a favorite rather I'd have to say, I have beautiful moments in various places. These memories encompass the people, the atmosphere of the space, the mood of the envirmonet. It all comes together to create this beautiful memory that becomes my favorite moment in a place.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

The country of Georgia is high on my list. I would also love to take a train journey along the Trans-Siberian rail. I'd like to dig deeper into the Balkan countries.

What was your first travel job?

I worked as a travel guide in Savannah, Georgia leading historical and ghost tours by horse carriage.