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Janette Plain
Founder/CEO/Factotum, GlobalGrapevine
Member for 6 Years
Joined October 2017
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About me

I own the website GlobalGrapevine which is aimed at independent tech-savvy travellers mainly (though not exclusively) in the 18-35ish demographic headed to Australia. I'm on the lookout for bloggers who want to share content and are up for being our monthly featured blogger in return for 4 original pieces of content as I am a huge believer in collaboration and peer to peer information.

I've recently taken over the online weekly chat #Travchat on Wednesday mornings at 10-30 GMT on Twitter where a different travel related topic is discussed each week with anyone who cares to join in with us. It's terrific fun and a friendly and inclusive group, so join us and join in! We will also be looking for companies interested in sponsoring the occasional week where we'll featuring their area of travel and promoting their product/region for that week.

Eventually we aim to morph the companies much more with GlobalGrapevine and #Travchat working together in tandem as GlobalGrapevine expands its reach to cover other areas.

This escapade all started because I've had 4 children who went to Oz on a Working Holiday Visa, and when the first one went there was a dearth of decent information and by the time number 4 headed out the internet was awash with white noise; I aimed to cut through that but not always as successfully as hoped.....

I also work part-time as a Learning Support Assistant at the local college and love the energy and enthusiasm of these 16-18 year olds, but I'm hugely aware that this demographic doesn't always feel comfortable getting out of their comfort zone~and I would love to be in a position to encourage that.

I've been a union rep, a health and safety rep, and worked in schools and supermarkets alike~ a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none! I am a work in progress but loving the journey and I look forward to meeting you along the way.

Why did you join the community?

I have a website for travellers to Australia and am interested in connecting with blogger/vloggers.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Probably Scotland. Should I say that? I love Australia. And Canada. Oh and Hong Kong is up there too!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Tahiti. But that's the fault of Paul Gauguin.

What was your first travel job?

This one. Creating a travel website. Make that three; it's been a voyage of discovery.

What do you want to learn more about?

Crumbs. The jiggery pokery of websites; adding stuff and making links without completely mucking up.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Expand your horizons!

