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Hattie Seal
Co-Founder, Travelling Whale
Member for 4 Years
Joined January 2020
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About me

Hey πŸ‘‹ I'm Hattie. Co-Founder of Travelling Whale. Travel has always been a huge passion of mine and fell in love with exploring and travelling back when I was 21 on my first round the world trip. Since then I haven't looked back...I started my career at Tucan Travel making my way through varies roles including Sales Advisor, Business Development Manager and Tailor-made Manager. I now am the proud owner of my own travel company that specialises in locally sourced sustainable adventures. We help travellers make small changes to how they currently travel to help countries benefit from their stay. Our philosophy is that small ripples make big waves and we want to use the power of travel to make a positive change. 🌊 🐳 🌎

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To learn about new events in my area and engage with people in travel 🌎
