Gautam Dhakal
Founder,CEO, Overland Trek Nepal
Member for 3 Years
Joined October 2020
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About me

Gautam Dhakal who becomes to be the founder Director of Overland Trek Nepal, is highly experienced, dedicated and a very genuine tourism Entrepreneur, a person who is admired by all whom he met in a part of their life. Mr Gautam saw a dream of doing something on his own after 16 years of experience in Nepal tourism Industry, which came true In 2019. Overland Trek Nepal was registered by Mr Gautam with an aim of providing quality trekking services to the trekkers who seek to trek in Nepal’s’ Himalayas. Mr. Gautam who started his career in Nepal Tourism industry since 2004 as a Porter and from 2006 he started to work as professional Trekking Guide. Mr Gautam is from Dhading District, which lies on the routes to the famous Manaslu and Ganesh Himal trekking routes, so since childhood Mr Gautam was accustomed to Hills and Mountains of Nepal. During his trekking life he has seen many kind of lifestyle in remote area after that he has decided that he will open one trekking company and give job to that type of people who are suffering in remote area and from total profit some percentage donate to people to home very difficult to get good education and difficulty to survive. Finally, his dreams become true, with visionary mindset and extraordinary administrative skills; he has successfully guided Overland Trek Nepal to claim one of the most successful trekking companies in Nepal. Mr Gautam Dhakal is highly motivated trekking entrepreneur, due to his personality and years of experience in serving Nepal Tourism Industry, he is renowned among trekking agencies in Nepal and beyond. Under patronage and supervision of Mr Gautam, Overland Trek Nepal has provided trekking services to people from more than a hundred countries so far that also with the optimal level of satisfaction. Overland Trek Nepal is fully committed to providing the same level of services to its clients under his leadership.

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To learn more about new things

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Rolwaling Trek

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What do you want to learn more about?

Customer Leadership along with Service

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To learn about more new things.