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Florence Shih
Founder, Yoga, Wine & Travel
🚀 Top 8%
Member for 6 Years
Joined April 2018
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Hong Kong
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About me

Flo is a wanderlusting yogi who won’t say no to a good white sangria. She is passionate about luxury and boutique travel, and constantly seeks out unique and off-the-beaten-path travel experiences that are beyond the ordinary. She believes that travel and yoga are important avenues to experience new stories, lifestyles, culture and views was launched in mid-2015 and features original and creative content for readers who love to seek balance in their lives through traveling and practicing yoga. Since the launch of the website, Yoga, Wine & Travel has grown to reach tens of thousands readers across more than 100 countries.

Why did you join the community?

I'm interested in meeting fellow travel bloggers in Hong Kong, as well as connecting with professionals from the travel industry.

