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EmilyAnn Jackman
Computer Programming Counselor, N/a
Member for 8 Years
Joined July 2015
Verified member
Union, New Jersey
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About me

My name is EmilyAnn Jackman. I've graduated with a BA in Communications, with a heavy concentration in Broadcast Journalism in 2014. I love to read, write, make connections with various people and I also have an immense love of Traveling. Its so strong to the point where I can't focus on anything else but finding a way to integrate my love of TV and journalism with traveling. One day, I want to host my own traveling show on a major network. Networks such as AWE, Travel Channel, CNN Travel, it doesn't matter. I'm also a huge fan of television networks such as ESPN and ABC. I would love to work for those television networks also. I also appreciate the business side of Communications such as Marketing and being a liaison between businesses or networks. In addition to that, I also love the idea of Travel writing and Traveling to different destinations for the sole purposes of reporting about it or Broadcasting about the location and hosting a television series. Whether if its streamed online or set for television, any exposure will be good exposure. I'm a multifaceted person, ready to undertake important and difficult projects that were never once tried before. I want to be considered as a pioneer, hosting a traveling show because I can't see myself doing only one thing.

Why did you join the community?

I'd like to integrate my love of travel with my Broadcast Journalism degree and someday host my own traveling show on a major network.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Trinidad and Tobago

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

What was your first travel job?

Trinidad and Tobago

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn how to integrate my two passions and make a solid career out of it. I can't see myself doing only one thing when it comes to my career.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Multifaceted, Enterprising, Witty
