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Amber Wyatt
TV Host | Producer | Content Creator, Big Little Footprints
Member for 1 Year
Joined June 2023
Verified member
1 event
Based in LA - but normally somewhere else
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About me

Hi there, I'm a 3 x Emmy Award winning host and producer of travel shows, predominately in the USA. In the last 12 months I also produced, hosted and filmed my own family travel show with my husband and two kids, with the aim of showing families the profound impact travel can have on kids and how as families we can make a positive influence on the world by making small changes to the way we do it. We've worked with tourism boards, sustainable hotels, eco tours, sustainable travel apparel etc to do so. Season 1 is currently airing on different streamers world wide.

Why did you join the community?

We are looking to meet and work with people in the family, adventure, sustainable travel space to help create content for, as well as strategise ways to bring awareness to their brand through our global TV show, social and other outlets.