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Agnes Mirembe
CEO, Umoja Motherland Tours Limited
Member for 5 Years
Joined May 2019
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About me

I am passionate about tourism and conservation in my country Uganda and East Africa as a whole. I made sure i travel to most of the tourism attractions so as to sell them well to the people from the out side world. I love to put together interesting packages for tourists and insuring they have a great travel experience.

Also i believe that through tourism one can reach out and empower local people, that is why i partnered up with a local school in my community to do a tree planting and water project and from each trip done, you indirectly support this project .

I got involved in travel when i was young as my family used to take us to nice places like the zoo, beaches etc and when i grew up, i pursued a tourism bachelors degree and still here as tourism students, we used to travel for a few tourism field trips.

Then during my 3rd year of the degree i got a job in one tour company and this is how my career begun, we used to travel anywhere and everywhere across Uganda on famtrips, i grew passionate about travel as i discovered how beautiful and richer my country was.
Then from here after 5 years of working for this company. I decided to start up umoja motherland tours ltd.

I will never forget my second time of Gorilla tracking. In the beginning it was a little hectic as we walked and penetrated the Bwindi Impenetrable forest, the thick bushes and tall trees , the stinging plants plus red ants this made me paranoid some how. But when we approached a family of Gorillas with a gigantic silver back ,this was over whelming. Seeing the Gorillas feed, the mothers grooming the juveniles and the baby playing and swinging over the tall tress. This was something magical that i'll never forget.--

Why did you join the community?

I would like to join in order to learn from like minded people that do what I do in tourism and grow

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Tour consultant

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn more about how to improve B2B and B2C relationships in tourism

Three words that describe why we should travel?

