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Audrey Scott
Tourism, Product Development & Marketing Strategist, Uncornered Market
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Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me

We help destinations and tourism organizations define their identities, bring products to market, understand their unique selling propositions, find market access, and position it all for effective online promotion and media campaigns. Together with my partner, Daniel Noll, Uncornered Market develops destinations and strengthen their position as adventure, cultural and sustainable travel destinations to both consumer and trade audiences. Offering strategic advisory, implementation and workshops on destination positioning, product development and feedback, destination storytelling, sustainable tourism, digital marketing and leadership. Practical, relatable, results-oriented, we can help you sell beyond the brochure. Sustainable tourism that makes business sense.

We believe that travel can positively impact travelers' lives, as well as the communities they visit. You can find this ethos in all their work with travelers, the tourism industry and destinations.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Hard to pick one, but Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Georgia and Peru are up there


  • An example of how the tourism and hospitality sectors can step up immediately in a time of crisis can be found in Moldova. Within hours of the war starting Thursday morning, people began flowing over the border so Moldovan wineries (with accommodation),... show more
